Ted Cruise is like a guy driving to Cancun, who ignores the directions provided by his GPS, gets lost, and winds up in Vancouver. When he consults his GPS again, he learns it will now take 5 times as long to get there. So he curses the GPS for telling him one thing one day and something else the next. He flings it out the window and screams, "Don't trust the GPS!"
Reasons not to follow GPS directions:
a) your crazy uncle knows a secret shortcut
b) the female voice sounds like Hillary Clinton
c) aliens can intercept the satellite signal and direct you to Roswell
d) Bill Gates something something
e) it's your constitutional right to get lost even if you're driving a packed schoolbus and trying to outrun a lava flow
f) following directions is for pussies and libturds
g) Mother Nature is on your side and will guide you better than non-organic gizmos
h) you don't need no stinking badges, or maps
i) you want to prove your patriotism
j) you want to prove you're smarter than the brainy nerds who programmed the gizmo
k) gizmo sounds like Gitmo
l) life is like a movie and a helicopter will rescue you just in time
m) life is like a movie and getting lost will be an adventure and bonding experience, even if the hitchhiker you just picked up is an escaped serial killer with Ebola.
Which of the following is more trustworthy?