Saturday, September 18, 2021

Slick Words Out of a Fowl's Rear


If you're feeling apathetic, get a dose of outrage by checking out Ron Johnson's Twitter feed. A feed that feeds at the trough of trump ether like a succubus sucking out the souls of prisoners.

Recurring themes in his regurgitated ether are Afghanistan (the new Benghazi) and the vaccine mandates. Both registering in the RED zone on the Mendacity Muck Meter.  His framing would earn him a diploma in the Republican Academy of Mindfuckery (RAM).

Afghanistan, of course, is somehow all Biden's fault (even though Biden is like a guy handed a sieve for a scoop and choppered onto the bow of a sinking ship), Ron's frame a tiny square that contributing factors prior to January 20, 2021 won't fit into, even if dehydrated into a fine powder.  

As far as vaccine mandates, Ron is collecting "heartbreaking stories" from health care workers - not about patients dying because they wouldn't get vaccinated, but about healthcare workers being victims of "attack on their healthcare freedom," being coerced or suffering from fear of reprisal for refusing treatment.

Yo, Ron! The vaccine is not a treatment. It won't cure you if you're already sick. It's prevention. An ounce of which is worth a pound of cure!

The words/phrases I italicized are the trigger words. Taken together they elicit an image of some hapless little candy striper being strapped to a gurney against her will and subjected to electric shock therapy for a broken ankle, under threat of the Gulag if she resists.

Quite a tricky spin on what is a reasonable job requirement for close contact with patients in a hospital. If you don't want to get vaccinated, don't! Just get a job working from home! Don't force your recklessness on the rest of us.

Can you imagine if being a firefighter didn't have a fitness requirement? They'd be dropping a lot of folks from the top of the ladder the neighbor had to haul off the truck for them. They'd have to use watering cans instead of hoses. But at least their right to stuff themselves with Doritos wouldn't be violated.

Once again Ron's frame is miniscule.  It doesn't include even one of the almost 700,000 deaths of which very few were among the vaccinated. It doesn't include the scenario in which an unvaccinated-against-smallpox nurse on the maternity ward where he was born could have changed the course of history, not in his favor.

Speaking of frames, one in which Ron Johnson doesn't fit, even if shrunk by Rick Moranis, is that of responsible leadership.

I wish there were a vaccine against propaganda.