Friday, September 24, 2021

All Over But the Shucking

Rick Scott recently said, "We’ve met every single goal to beat back the Virus, we’ve finished the hard work that Donald Trump started, and it’s clear that America has beaten COVID."

There's so much wrong with that statement. First of all, who is "we"?

Rick, Ron, Don, and the Grim Reaper they play golf with?

He better not mean the American people, because I did not give permission to be included in any group that includes him. I'll call myself an American pork chop before that happens. Although I'd prefer he be categorized as an American pimple.

Then there's the hard work that (TFG) started.  The hardest work trump ever performed in relation to the Virus was getting dressed for the pressers. Unless you count the synapse activity it took to come up with the bleach suggestion. Thinking for TFG requires more neural energy than for most because of the detours away from truth the process has to take. The path may be well worn but it's quite labyrinthine.

Now on to the whole concept - the underlying predicate of having beat back the virus. As if it were a rabid raccoon you have forced with a baseball bat to retreat into a neighbor's yard, where it will lie in wait until your ignorant back is turned. 

He refers to every single goal. I infer from that that there were many intervening goals. Perhaps collectively accomplishing the final goal of disappearing the raccoon. 

Based on what has occurred in Rick's state, one of the intervening goals was eradicating the virus by eradicating the population. As if the residents were raccoons that could be beaten back into pens where the rabid ones would bite the other ones - the baby ones being the likeliest prey. The raccoon metaphor serving well since raccoons mask their eyes vs. their noses and mouths. If they masked their mouths, see, they wouldn't be able to bite and infect any other raccoons. Or humans.

Another intervening goal appears to be the brainwashing of half the population. Not with soap and water. With the proverbial koolaid dispensed by atavistic sociopathic megalomaniacs. Or, to use a more clinical term, greedy incompetent, tantrum-prone Cro-Magnons.

For it to be clear that America has beaten COVID, one would have to be aboard a space ship in orbit where,  if you gaze down at our big blue marble, from thousands of miles away, you won't see any COVID at all.


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