Friday, August 6, 2021

Looking a GRift Horse in the Mouth


A rule of Tums for listening to Republican cant is to apply the GOPposite Principle - their verbal stampedes are not only elephantasies, they are usually the other side of the phrase coin - in other words: they speak with forked tusks.

With balls as brass as the tacks we get down to, they claim to be pro-life while refusing to ban automatic weapons, legislating AGAINST public health measures, and obstructing food assistance, safety regulations, sex education, justice, preparation for climate change, and ... what was that other thing?  Oh, yeah, HEALTHCARE!  The one thing they don't obstruct is the Death Penalty.

According to Einstein  (not the one who formulated the Theory of Relativity, but the one who pronounces his name Ein-steen), you can't be pro-life and a Social Darwinist at the same time, unless the lives of the fittest are the only ones that count in the equation. In that case, the square root of GOP = 2,000,000,000,000 x the value of PAC to the 10th power.  Power being the $ignificant variable. Which they prefer to exercise at a distance, making use of torque to keep their hands looking clean (from a distance).

It's called the Theory of Relevant Hypocrisy.

They love the idea of small government a lot more than they love born children. 

They love being the Tough On (some) Crime party more than they love justice.

They love the idea of (some) Family Values more than they care about families, especially migrants and refugees, or the ones torn apart by gun violence, medically induced bankruptcy, unjust imprisonment, and homelessness.

They call Jingoism Patriotism and what they love most about their country is not Equality and Justice, but the opportunity to enrich themselves on the labor of others.

So applying the GOPposite Principle and the Theory of Relevant Hypocrisy to these things they want you to think they're for and what do we get?

Pro-Lie, Pro-Lucre, and Pro-Leverage.


Which elephant wasn't invited?